The program "Innovative Technologies" in professional sports.

There are three research methods.

1. Infolife Method

The method of biometric testing to determine the abilities of the patterns on the fingers, based on the science of dermatoglyphics.

This technique allows you to diagnose 8 directions:

1) Health status
2) Career guidance
3) Physiology
4) Psychological portrait
5) Compatibility in relationships
6) Profession and work
7) Recommendations
8) Sports

This study is relevant for children and adolescents, as it allows you to determine a predisposition in the professional field (relevant for students in grades 9-11, not op determined with further professional activity), as well as a predisposition to a particular view of the sport. Which significantly increases the effectiveness of sports selection and with high accuracy determines the predisposition of the test in the flesh to the ampoule. The report allows you to see the health risk groups, which are reflected in a graph.

In addition, the report allows you to determine the type of person.

2. IrisTest

The method of biometric express diagnostics for the iris of the eye, based on the science of iridology. Unique research lasted 27 years. During this time, thousands of serious illnesses were diagnosed in the early stages.

This technique allows you to diagnose 4 directions:

1) The brain, organs of vision and hearing
2) Cardiac vascular system
3) Digestive system
4) Urogenital system

The iris has a complex structure and is associated with almost all internal organs. On the iris of the eye, more than 100 areas are identified that are responsible for the state of a particular organ or organ system.

During diagnosis, the color of the iris is studied, the uniformity of the distribution of the pigment is interspersed, darkened, the structure, condition of the outer edge and blood vessels, the pupil reaction to a light stimulus.

3. Interface

The program of psychological testing, which determines the psychotype of a person and gives practical recommendations for achieving success in different areas of life.

This methodology allows us to diagnose the following areas:

1) Recommendations for revealing abilities
2) Weaknesses and strengths
3) Behavior style in conflict or stress
4) Type of training and behavior

The technique will be useful in the following areas:

1) Organization development
2) Career growth and career guidance
3) Management and leadership training 4) Family counseling and problem solving
5) Education and curriculum development
6) Interpersonal training