At the moment, Krasnodar Territory is the most sporting region in Russia. Everything goes in for sports: from babies in swimming pools to retirees with trekking poles in parks.
Sports also have a wide range: there are wrestling, running, rock climbing, kayaking, triathlon and curling , and cycling.

Naturally, these phenomena give rise to the presence of various types of competitions, both official and amateur. But, in any case, the organizers without fail require the participants to have an insurance policy. Of course, this is correct and absolutely justified.

However, children are the group of the population that is the least protected and at daily risk of their health and life due to their age, consciousness and active pastime.
< In addition, if a child participates in competitions, then he, of course, prepares for them in training with his mentor and other guys. And at the time of these trainings, he has a great chance to get injured and miss an important event for himself, and possibly a fateful event, for which he has been preparing for so long and carefully.

In connection with the foregoing, BF PIRS " Light of the Nation "takes the initiative to take on all the costs of round-the-clock insurance for children of the Krasnodar Territory at the age of .... against accidents, including training and competition.
Each child will receive a unique chance to receive an insurance policy free of charge.

Charity Fund "Svet Nacii" supports great e is the desire of children to play sports and is interested in the sport to be good.